Cosmetic Condition

Certified Preloved® products have been "loved" by someone else first, and sometimes that love is shown with a little wear and tear. Our listings are separated into three different conditions to represent this and they are as follows:

  • New

Products in brand new condition from the factory. These will still be covered under the manufacturers warranty (if applicable) and may come in the original packaging or bulk style packaging.  

  • Factory Refurbished

Products in the "Factory Refurbished" condition have been refurbished by the manufacturer's contracted refurbisher to the Certified Preloved® refurbishing standard. They are in the best possible condition for their age with only very minor or no cosmetic blemishes at all.

Every technical component of "Factory Refurbished" items have been checked and tested by certified technicians and are guaranteed to be in full working order.

  • Refurbished

Products in the "Refurbished" condition have passed the exact same tests as all the "Factory Refurbished" items and are in the same cosmetic condition, we just aren't contracted through the manufacturer to refurbish these (yet).

  • B-Grade

Products in the "B-Grade" condition have also gone through the same refurbishing process by the same technicians, they just have a tad more wear. The bonus to you is an even greater deal than our Refurbished or Factory Refurbished prices.

Every refurbished item we sell, regardless of condition, comes with a 90-day warranty that you can upgrade for free to a 1-year warranty by registering your product with Certified Preloved®.